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Geepas GTR56028 Rechargeable USB Hair Clipper with LED Display - Black and Grey

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AED 55


(Price Inclusive of VAT)

SKU : JPN0651

Easy Return and Replacement  

Payment Options : ( Online Payment )

Category : Personal Care Accessories

Tags : Geepas Personal Care Accessories

Delivers to Dubai


Usually delivered in
4 Days   ( 26-Dec-2024 )


Warranty : 12 Months Warranty

Description :

Geepas GTR56028 Rechargeable USB Hair Clipper provides you with a simple and effortless solution to your daily trimming needs. It is specifically designed to catch every hair and give excellent trimming results. It is made of sturdy and durable material and is suited for long-term usage. The blade is even and smooth. It reduces the risk of any injury to the face.